Discretionary Management

Where required, Conexim can provide discretionary management over an account. Typically, this service is provided for certain types of Trust arrangements where it is not possible for the beneficiary to participate in investment decisions directly.

It is also possible to provide this service to private clients and to pensions accounts, although an advisory service is typically more appropriate.

Where Conexim undertakes discretionary management of an account, it does so under a mandate agreed with the Client or their Agent (e.g. a Trustee or another authorised entity), it enters into a mandate with the following information.

  • Indications as to the type of securities to be invested in e.g. cash, bonds, equities, funds, derivatives;
  • Indications as to the potential markets for investment and the currency accounts to be opened;
  • Indications as to the potential sectors or industries for investment;
  • Indications as to the maximum and/or minimum values and/or percentages to be invested in any one investment instrument;
  • Indications as to the time horizon(s) for investment;
  • Personal financial situation;
  • Investment objectives;
  • Attitude to risk;
  • Investment experience;
  • Investment restrictions; and
  • Any other facts about the Clients position which Conexim reasonably believes it needs to know, or which Conexim ought reasonably be expected to attempt to find out.

For discretionary portfolios, Conexim can report monthly, quarterly, half yearly or annually. All reports contain a benchmark for each asset class.