Conexim Advisors Ltd. is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland Regulation 8 (3) and deemed authorised under Regulation 5 (2) of the Statutory Instrument No. 375/2017 European Union (Markets in Financial Instruments) Regulations 2017, and as an insurance, reinsurance or ancillary insurance intermediary under the European Union (Insurance Distribution) Regulations, 2018.
The Financial Service Provider Profile for Conexim with the Central Bank is provided here: Central Bank Register.
The firm is authorised to provide the following services and with the following instruments.
Investment Services (MiFID)
1.1. Receiving/transmitting orders
1.4. Portfolio management
1.5. Investment advice
Ancillary Services (MiFID)
2.4. F/X re Investment Services
2.5. Research
Investment Business Services (IIA)
(f) Deposit Agent/Broker
Financial Instruments (MiFID)
1. Transferable securities
2. Money market instruments
4. Units in collective investment undertakings
5. Financial CFDs
6. Derivs re: secs/ccys/IRYs/EAs phys/cash settled
7. Derivatives re: commodities – settled in cash
8. Derivs re: comms – TOTV, phys settled (ex WEPs)
9. Derivs re: CVs, FRs, IRs, ESs
Investment Instruments (IIA)
(kk) Tracker Bonds
(m) Insurance Policies
(n) PRSAs